Last week in the EU
At the end of this week, 31 January, the UK is leaving the EU. In actuality, we are entering the “transition” period during which we will need to negotiate our ongoing terms of trade with the EU. This transition period is due to end 31 December 2020.
In the meantime, back at the coal-face, what do we need to change in order to import, export or travel to the EU from 1 February?
Most of the government missives are based on the outcome of a No-Deal Brexit. This outcome is still a real possibility unless our negotiating team reach a formal trade deal with the EU block before the end of the transition period, 31 December 2020.
Accordingly, we have summarised below the published instructions from the website. They are:
For exporters to the EU
- Make sure you have an EORI number that starts with GB.
- Check that your importer has an EU EORI number.
- Decide who will make the export declarations.
- Decide if you want to export your goods using transit.
- Check the rate of duty and tax for your goods.
- Check what you need to do for the type of goods you export.
- Find out how VAT changes will affect you.
- Decide who will transport your goods outside the UK.
For importers from the EU
- Make sure you have an EORI number that starts with GB.
- Decide who will make the import declarations.
- Apply to use the transitional simplified procedures.
- Set up a duty deferment account if you import regularly.
- Check the rate of tax and duty you will need to pay.
- Check what you need to do for the type of goods you import.
For firms transporting goods out of the EU by road
- Apply for operators licences and permits
- Make sure drivers are eligible to drive abroad.
- Check rules for the goods you are transporting.
- Make sure your driver has the right export documents.
- Find out what vehicle documents your driver needs to carry.
- Check local road rules.
Full details of all these issues can be found on the website at